Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Serve the Lord with Gladness.. Psalm 100:2

I recently had a job that took me to California 3 weeks of the month. I felt I should be happy to have a job and with the pay I was making from that job, it should have been easy. I always thought I would love a job where I traveled. 

But, I was not happy. I knew I was supposed to be doing something for God. I was supposed to be serving Him. 

Well, I thought, but I need a job, so I am just going to have to find a way to serve Him in California instead of at home in Texas. After searching for months, I finally found a church I could enjoy attending. It wasn't as awesome as my home church, but then, I know God led me to Hillcrest
www.hbcaustin.org  . 

But couldn't God lead me to serve Him in another church? Someplace of my choosing? someplace I could serve Part Time?
Well, since I was still not happy, still not feeling "right" and still knowing in my heart God had something in His plans for me to do and i wasn't doing it.. the answer to that question at that time was no.

So after much prayer, I gave my notice and came home. 
I took two jobs and trusted God would help me make it financially. And I knew peace. Me who has always worried about finances, had peace in my heart.

I made an appointment the following week with the church Education Minister and offered to do whatever was needed. I found myself leading a small group and serving in the singles ministry for my age group. Talk about stepping out into service, I felt more like I was leaping into service! 

I found after I stepped out in faith and obedience, I began singing and laughing and my heart was bubbling over with joy. Friends began telling me how I was not myself before and how much they could see my joy. I had changed!

 I didn't even realize how "off" I was until I got onto the path God wanted me on. I was HAPPY with a capital H. I still wasn't sure how I would manage two jobs, but it didn't matter. I knew God would provide. 

I believe God made us to serve him. I do not think we are happy until we do. 
I now know what having the joy of the Lord is. I get it, having Life to the Full. It isn't having wealth, or a nice car or fine house. It is the peace that comes from obedience to God.

Soon after I started serving in my church, my former employer called me and offered a consulting job for more money than he had paid me as an employee. During the first week of consulting, another company offered me a full time position as a Sales Manager.  They are patiently waiting for me to finish up with the consulting job so i can get started with them.

Isn't God good? 

I think God wants us to desire to serve Him. I think He wants us to trust in Him to handle everything for us and just do what we know He wants us to do. 

Not sure how to serve? Ask your pastor where the need is. Not sure what do do? do something! God will lead you.  Ask your Sunday School teacher, your pastor, a deacon, believe me, churches always need volunteers. 

Matthew 25:40 says "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." 

Take a meal to a shut in. visit with an elderly person. Deliver care bag to the homeless. God will lead you in what he wants you to do.

And you know, sometimes all God wants is for you to desire to serve him, and to do that, you have to believe in Him. 

John 6:28-29 "Then they said to him, What must we do, to do the works that God requires. Jesus answered and said to them, The work of God is this, that you believe on the one He sent."

Dear Lord, Thank you for choosing me to serve you. Please help me to always be willing to serve with a cheerful heart. 

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