Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Joy of Tough Times

I met a friend for lunch yesterday and as we were standing in the parking lot saying our goodbyes, my friend Lisa related to me about the time earlier in her marriage, when both she and her husband had been unemployed. They had been underemployed for four years. Four years! 

Between them, my friend and her husband hold three college degrees. Yet they couldn't find a job in their chosen fields or even close. Lisa took jobs serving tables and Robert worked day labor.  Lisa told me they were never once late with a bill and never paid the mortgage late and they never failed to put food on the table.  Many times the money came in from one unexpected source or another at the last minute. 

 I am sure it wasn't easy. I am sure they were stressed. I have no doubt they both thought at one time or another " I have a college degree to work hard labor"?  I would have thought that way, wouldn't you? 

What did happen through this time of trial, is they learned to trust in God to provide. 

Something else that struck me in this conversation was Lisa said they had purchased her dream home prior to losing their jobs. Every day she offered that house to God and told Him if He wanted them to sell the house, she would be willing. This was her dream house! The house they worked so hard to buy. But They were willing to give that dream house up if God wanted them to. God always made sure they were able to make the mortgage so they didn't have to give it up.  I wonder if God was testing them to see if they would be willing to give it all up for Him. Would you pass that test? 

We tend to be so tethered to our "stuff". Sometimes it is our pride " I won't work that lowly position, I am a degreed professional" or " I can't mention God in front of other people, I might look like a fanatic or look silly"

Other times it is our house, our car, our fancy clothes..  but we are so attached we can't even think about offering it to God and just trusting in Him. 

Lisa told me that when they were the lowest, when times were the toughest, was when they got the closest to God. she said they felt they had no other choice but to trust ad rely on him and God never let them down. 

James 1: 2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

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