Monday, August 13, 2012

Do you truly support your pastor and other church leaders? 

Dennis Franck in “Reaching Single Adults” tells us there are 4 types of people and that we should choose future leaders who are Backbones

Are you a Wishbone? – “I wish our leader would do this or that, If things were my way… THEN I could be supportive

Are you a Jawbone? – “ I will help you build this ministry ( but then actually do nothing to help, all talk no action)

Are you a Knucklebone? – “ If I was in charge I would change”....(knocking the way the leader is doing things)

Are you a Backbone? – “ I will help and support you in this ministry” ( and then does help and support in every way possible)

How can you give your support? 

Prayer - Pray for the church leaders daily. Not sure what to pray ? Take a look at Pastor Toms blog, “Winning Ways” July 4 for a list of excellent suggestions

Verbal Support – Tell the Pastor you got something out of the sermon. Let the Music Minister know you enjoyed the music selection. Thank the nursery teacher for keeping all those little darlings happy so others can enjoy the service. Let your Sunday school or small group leader know you appreciate them. Don’t criticize and don’t gossip. If you don’t like something, pray about it. No one is perfect, not even you,.

Attendance - Support with your attendance, not just Sunday morning, but as often as you can. Each leader puts a lot of time and thought into planning and facilitating. Support them by showing up to services and events

Pitch in- When the church puts out a call for volunteers, sign up. Don’t leave it for everyone else. Be active in your support. I think if you look around your church at the leadership, I bet you will see that the leaders are active in more than one area and are usually the first to pitch in to help out. 

Which bone are you?
Which one should you be?
What do you need to change? 
Let’s all examine our lives today and see how we can better support our Pastor and our church leaders.

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