Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are you working in Gods field?

Due to travel for my job, I am often away from home and my home church. 
While searching for a home away from home church, I visited a nearby Baptist church service this morning.

The first thing I noted was the large sanctuary which looked even larger due to the sparse attendance of a handful of  senior citizens. It has been a very long time since I was the youngest person in the church service!

The 2nd thing I noticed was a lack of warmth and friendliness. Perhaps I am spoiled by the warmth of my home church Hillcrest Baptist. In fact, warmth was the first thing I felt when I was a newcomer to Hillcrest.
Or perhaps it is a difference between Texas and California. Whatever, I can't say I felt particularly welcome and even felt the need to ask someone if I could enter the sanctuary as the doors were firmly closed 5 minutes before the service was to begin.

It makes me sad to see a centrally located church in such need of members. I could more understand it if the church building was located in a rural area. The one event they had was the senior lunch later in the week. 

What happened to the families? Where are the children, the teens and the young and old singles? 

After the lackluster group singing and the 10 minute message from the pastor, I was happy to leave and head over to the Farmers Market. Not one person welcomed me, thanked me for coming or asked me to return. Never fear, I will be attending elsewhere my next Sunday in California.

Matthew 9:37, 38 Then He ( Jesus) said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field" 

Never before have I felt this message more than I did today. I see a need for workers for Christ in my hometown, but at least I know of several churches who are ministering to the surrounding neighborhoods. I see such a need here in the town I "live" in when I am in California. 

Could this be why God has me here? I know God has a plan. Am I here to help bring the Word of God to Claremont or perhaps just that one person God wants brought into the fold? 

Are you are worker? What are you called to do for Him?

Dear Lord, please send workers into the harvest. Please lead me to where you want me to worship when away from home and open my eyes to the opportunities you put before me daily to work in the harvest. Thank you Lord

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