Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trusting my Pilot

I love to travel. I enjoy seeing new places and experiencing new things. I am currently looking forward to visiting friends in both England and New Zealand next year. I also travel a lot for my job. In fact, I am on the road these days more than I am at home.

I think nothing  of hopping on a plane and placing my faith in the skill of the pilots and ground crew to bring me down safely. I have flown in all kinds of planes, from a huge double decker plane to a tiny 6 seat Island Hopper, and never have I entertained the thought that the Pilot would not land me safe and sound on the ground.

We all give our lives over to total strangers on planes, buses, boats and ferries every day, so why is it so difficult for us to place our faith in our our Heavenly Father, who created us and gave his Son for us,  to pilot our lives?

Paul wrote " I know the One in whom I have put my trust and I am sure that Christ is able to guard until that day what I have entrusted to Him." 2 Timothy 1:12

I think we all should strive to be like Paul, and and put our trust in Jesus. don't you?

Dear Lord in Heaven, thank you for for loving me though  I am stubborn and not always very lovable.
Help me to trust you in everything in my life. I place my faith in you as my Pilot.

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