Friday, April 6, 2012

Does God answer your Prayer?

I would like to do a short series on prayer. 
Does God answer your prayer? He does mine. 
Why is it you think God doesn't answer your prayers? 

In John 15:7, Jesus says "If you remain in me and words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it ill be given you." 

Pretty powerful isn't it? Are you remaining in Christ? 

We want what we want and we want it now don't we? But if we are remaining in Christ, we won't want anything that God hasn't in His plan for us. 

Shouldn't we instead be asking what God wants for us? 
How can we know what God wants for us? Well, for one, we need to be remaining in Him. We do that by obeying Him, by reading His word and speaking to Him daily, And we ask Him what His will for us is instead of telling Him what we want. 

If your daughter or son asked you for chocolate cake and cherry cola for dinner from now on... you most likely would tell them no. Wouldn't you? Why would you disappoint your child like that? 

Could it be because you see in that childs future a strong healthy adult instead of the child she/he could be with such a poor diet? And would you be more or less apt to allow the child you love so much to eat chocolate cake and cherry cola dinners because she/he stomped, cried and demanded? 

It is the same with God. He sees the big picture and has a plan for you. A disappointment now, a prayer answered with a no or a not now, is merely Gods way of preparing you for the big picture.

Remember in Matthew 14:22-36 when Peter stepped out of that boat and walked on water to Jesus? What happened when Peter took his eyes off Jesus? He saw the wind and became afraid. Once he took his eyes off Jesus, Peter began to sink and cried out to Jesus to save him.

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. You of little faith,he said, why did you doubt?”

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Remain in Him. Start spending time with Him every day, and stop stomping, crying and demanding chocolate cake and cherry cola dinners. 

Happy Easter. Hallelujah Christ Arose

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